November 12, Chinese Aeronautical Establishment (CAE) and the Russian Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) held 2014 annual Intercollegiate senior year in Zhuhai. The Chinese delegation led by President of CAE, Zhang Xinguo, and

November 12, Chinese Aeronautical Establishment (CAE) and the Russian Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) held 2014 annual Intercollegiate senior year in Zhuhai. The Chinese delegation led by President of CAE, Zhang Xinguo, and the Russian delegation led by executive president of TsAGI, Chelny Schiff, attended the annual meeting. The two sides reviewed the recent cooperation and communication work progress, particularly since the last high-level meeting; The representative from TsAGI detailed the recent study dynamics and outcomes in all major areas of expertise, and presented a list of proposals for cooperation. They also made clear that, in 2015 held the 14th China-Russia aviation science and technology conference in China.

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